Much ink has been issued forth and even more breathless speeches
about the vicious slaughter of a dozen victims at the French satirical
magazine Charlie Hebdo on 7 January 2015. Five more victims would perish
during an apparent running gun battle/ hostage rescue operation between
French authorities and the suspects in the immediate aftermath. In a
rational world it wouldn't be necessary to qualify my response by
acknowledging that what transpired in Paris was a savagely criminal act
to which no human being should be subjected. Alas, we do not live in
such a world so some will no doubt interpret the following criticism as
an attack on decency and a rationalization for terrorist acts. Let them.
A respectable amount of time has passed since the event so I feel the
time for these words is appropriate.
I despise
everything Charlie Hebdo stands for. Did you notice what happened there?
One may condemn the crime yet still abhor the victim. In virtually
every example when one encounters those who would erase this distinction a separate agenda is invariably at work.
limited perusal of Charlie Hebdo's output has revealed this publication
to have an apparent special interest in nakedly racist, Islamophobic
attacks on a largely powerless immigrant minority. While many have
identified satire as the weapon of the weak they often failed to notice
how effectively it can be utilized by the powerful to intimidate and
marginalize the designated Other. How "courageous" is it to follow the
herd in ridiculing the belief systems of an ostracized population?
Furthermore, marginalized communities rarely have the resources to
respond in kind with their own propaganda platforms.
Hebdo was always playing with fire. Freedom of expression does not
inoculate one from consequences. Again, this is not to justify this
atrocity but merely an observation. There are laws in virtually every
place where humans concentrate against physical violence and yet
violence persists. Reckless provocations come with risks. Take any
random group of people and subject them to relentless persecution and
discrimination without recourse to effective political relief valves and
the most unstable among them are certain to explode into violence.
Chris Hedges has written perhaps the definitive essay on this affair and is worth a read. For comic relief, note this cavalcade of opportunists and hypocrites claiming solidarity with the victims and for freedom of expression.
USAID’s role uncovered in ‘regime change’ in South Asian nation
[image: Preview] The funding recently canceled by Elon Musk-led DOGE has
come under scrutiny in India and Bangladesh
Read Full Article at
2 hours ago
The French Govt needs to unleash Le Legion Etrangere in the so called "no go" areas in France and set things straight.
So your "solution" is to resume the cycle of violence rather than begin an honest dialog?
How do you rationalize or reason with a radical bent on killing anyone who does not agree with their beliefs?
I'm disheartened to see that the "war of civilizations" myth has taken such firm root. This represents a victory of sorts for the war profiteers who've led the US and the west in general careening from one debacle to the next over the last 35 years at least.
A veneer of legitimacy embraces our serial invasions and destabilization of majority Muslim nations over the past several decades in pursuit of their vast energy resources when these populations are then seen in the "proper" light. So for example the US/UK invasion, occupation, and subsequent destruction of Iraq on fictional pretexts leading to the deaths of over one million people and five million refugees has no bearing on the sensibilities of a population encumbered with an irrational hatred of western values. Ditto the people of Iran following the CIA engineered overthrow of their democracy in 1953 to be replaced by a quarter century of tyranny under the Shah and his savage SAVAK.
I'm curious as to what role if any do many of you feel western (particularly US) policy plays in the perceptions of those occupying the Middle East. Have we truly fallen to a place where we believe that our interventions there are neutral?
Coldy,what is your position on CAIR??
Send in 2e REP !!
Forgive me but I'm not yet that familiar with CAIR but from what I've seen so far this organization seems to be a step in the right direction.
Welcome to Coltypes and Leftys Libtard world of delusion and assclowness:
If you've got an argument to make I'd be glad to see it. Interesting video. Stunning production values.
By the way, where did ISIS get all of that gleaming new equipment and near limitless funding? Are you as curious as I am as to how these lunatics never manage to attack the Gulf tyrannies, the IDF, or our own forces in the region? Why, the IDF and Turkey even provide them artillery support whenever the Syrian army gets them in a pickle anywhere near their respective borders. Turkey, a NATO member, has been providing sanctuary to these and assorted beasts destabilizing Syria for the better part of four years. The Saudis, our despotic allies, have been funding these "freedom fighters" from day one with a wink and a smile from Uncle Sam. One could be forgiven if they got the impression that ISIS were acting as US/NATO proxy forces. Just my thoughts. Yours are welcome.
whatever the reason behind it all, I condemn the violence on the incident
What's your thoughts on bibi speaking to the congress?
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