A Jewish man’s shooting of two Israelis in Miami revealed the violent truth
of Zionism
[image: Mordechai Brafman's mugshot taken after being apprehended for
shooting two Israeli men he thought were Palestinian. (Photo: Miami-Dade
County Corre...
58 minutes ago
That's was good idea, is support your idea to moderate all comment due lot of spam boots, no one like the spam
That's the idea. I'll see how it goes.
Glad you are back, Coldie!
There is an upcoming election in which we have to educate these folks about the deception involving the candidates.
I see the Democrats got the Green party kicked off the ballot in Illinois. I think enough progressives may have voted in their camp and it scared Quinn backers.
This is an example of where strategic voting will come in handy for sure Lefty.
The people have spoken!!!
If you vote democratic....you may have repressed homosexual tendencies.....
Well, Coldie, it is a sad day in Amerika for progressives. The true progressive I mean. The GOP control of the U.S. Senate and House means hopes of true progressive legislation is dead.
I think officers who supported the GOP candidate for governor will end up stabbed in the back. he and his mayor pal will mess with our pensions.
They are like the townspeople in the Emperor's New Clothes. They see one thing but believe another.
There are legions out there who still can't distinguish between a pat on the back and a dick in the ass Lefty. I'm no longer shocked when people vote against their own interests now. With Rahm on the 5th floor and a plutocrat in Springfield we've got a massive uphill battle ahead.
@ Anon 6:15
What matter of utter nonsense are you rambling on about?
@ Anon 6:15
What matter of utter nonsense are you rambling on about?
6:23 AM
I think Coldie he speaks, which many on the department have repeated, the Grand Jury verdict in Ferguson shall lead to massive rioting.
@anon 5:23
You would probably be better served if you found a hobby.
"A liberal paradise would be a place where everybody has guaranteed
employment, free comprehensive healthcare, free education, free food,
free housing, free clothing, free utilities, and only law enforcement
has guns. And believe it or not, such a place does indeed exist:
It's called prison."
@ Anon 11:53
You're not too far off the mark here and we needn't look to prison for examples. The United States, like Japan and the UK, is a sovereign currency issuing nation that is not operationally constrained by the need to raise revenue, borrow, or sell an asset before it may spend as is the reality for users of the currency such as households, businesses, states, and municipalities.
I point this all out to say that the US can afford to purchase anything available for sale in US dollars. This naturally includes available labor so there is nothing to prevent the US from implementing a job guarantee/ employee of last-resort program (JG/ELR) via fiscal spending thereby providing a living wage for anyone willing and able to work. This program would also serve as the defacto minimum wage since private employers would have to at least match or exceed the JG/ELR wage and benefit package if they are to retain employees.
The same principle applies to the implementation of a true single-payer health care system which would cover every citizen leaving no one out. In other words, Medicare for all, eliminating the destructive presence of the for-profit health insurance companies at the heart of our healthcare system rendering it the least efficient and expensive in the developed world.
Free public education through graduate school is a simple task that has been the way of doing things in many developed countries for decades. Only here in the US where every human endeavor comes with a price tag is it considered "normal" to load a life time of crushing debt onto the backs of young people expected to carry our civilization forward in exchange for their education.
PS. How do we pay for all this you ask? So glad you asked.
@ 5:50 AM
Obvious troll is obvious.
@ A.S
It's often best to let a fool's own words speak for him/her in place of a response. This is particularly true when dealing with what amounts to incoherent babble.
NO TRUE BILL against Ofc. Wilson as predicted.Apologists loose again.
Coldtype said...
@ Anon 6:15
What matter of utter nonsense are you rambling on about?
6:23 AM
You mean this nonsense...the M-1s burning Ferguson down,shooting,looting,robbing...
Goofball anon, you'll have to resend your post which I inadverdantly deleted. Like a Jackson Pollack your gibberish adds an odd artistic dimension that enhances the general atmosphere of the blog as I explore some of the madness and chaos that our nation's elite inflict upon the world.
I swear that I'll get to some more original posting soon.
When do we get to see your selfie in your Klan garb?
Coldtype said...
When do we get to see your selfie in your Klan garb?
11:10 AM
Don't give up the day job to be a profiler.Stick to getting that easy check from the city.
Your next rational post will be the first one. In the mean time do keep me entertained.
Coldtype said...
Your next rational post will be the first one. In the mean time do keep me entertained.
4:01 PM
"Black" Friday Shoppers
@Anon 3:32
Hey genius, we saw a man die as the result of an illegal chokehold improperly applied. Initial crime? Selling loose cigarettes. Last time I checked this wasn't a capital offense. Coroner's ruling was that Garner's death was a homicide yet the Grand Jury, an anachronism abandoned by the rest of England's former colonies, couldn't bring forth an indictment and put the matter to trial. Note that the entire affair was captured on film. Are you at all aware that Michael Vick's fucking dogs got a fairer hearing from the State than Eric Garner a human being. Stop shitting yourself in public here on my blog and gather some perspective before you post again.
It wasnt a choke hold detective.If the shitbag could say "I cant breath" that means the airway is open.
It wasnt a LVNR type either,it was a head lock and "come along" type take down.
The pathology report stated the departed groid did not expire due to a choke hold.
He died because he was a fat fuck thug with poor health choices and had his chest and diaphram compressed on the ground.All due to resisting arrest.
"positional asphyxia"
Choke holds are illegal???? What criminal statute is that Coldie???
Inquiring minds want to know.....
The CH has been a banned technique on the NYPD and major departments accross the nation for two decades. Use the technique on film AND kill a guy, an indictment isn't unreasonable.
Coldtype said...
The CH has been a banned technique on the NYPD and major departments accross the nation for two decades. Use the technique on film AND kill a guy, an indictment isn't unreasonable.
8:28 PM
Breaking a Department General Order (GO) is now an indictable criminal offense???
Coldtype said...
If it KILLS someone then it should be tried at the very least. Why should the public have any faith in a system in which we can kill with impunity? Forgive me but that's just not something I'm willing to support. We're fallible and not above judgement. No healthy democratic republic can survive an environment that tolerates an unaccountable authority. Therein lays the rub for the U.S. hasn't been a healthy democratic republic in living memory if ever.
11:17 AM
Indulge me,would you have had a problem with the NYPD incident ,with the repsonding officers using a TASER????
None. A large, non-compliant resister SHOULD be handled with a TASER and if it goes south then it goes south but you used an accepted procedure in attempting the arrest. Choke the guy out or break a bottle over his head in furtherance of the same goal, however, then it's a reasonable expectation that a jury will hear about it. There are rules we must follow and there should be consequences when we don't. This isn't complicated.
Responding further to your idiocies is clearly pointless given your obvious limitations. You've amused me for long enough. Thank you.
I did not see final autopsy results. Was the ruling death was caused by the choke hold? I imagine when toxicology results come back it shall show illegal narcotics in his system. Not that should be a justifiable reason for a death.
I think, Coldie, 2015 shall be a bad, bad year for law enforcement officers. Every move will be under a microscope. The talking heads will be have a field day in their criticism.
It is now fashionable to hate police. I sometimes find it laughable individuals who have no idea what the job entails can freely give advice. Not that we are not above criticism at times.
Eric Holder tomorrow is coming to Chicago. It is ironic the person with the top job in he country to go after bad guys (and companies) is so anti-law enforcement.
Be safe.
Law Enforcement Motivation
Why "gentle giants" need to be put in choke holds,tasered,or shot multiple times:
begun the race war has.......
Happy New Year Choads!!!
Hope to see a post rral soo.
How bout a thread on the Paris situation??
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