Fortunately, the wonderful has done all of the heavy lifting for us by providing a helpful annotated guide which fact checks the wild assertions and mad delusions of One Note Benjamin.
Macron's Speech Gives Impression That France Seeks to Continue War - Kremlin
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The speech of French President Emmanuel Macron creates
the impression that France is seeking to continue the war, moreover,
nuclear rhet...
30 minutes ago
Israel is safe again...he won!!
Israel is back in secure hands!!
Yes, secure in its further isolation.
Hope you post something on today's election for mayor. What a disgrace. We are doomed in this city.
Always bet on the yid
Its the new jew review coming right at you!!
A new tool to protect freedom!!
NSSF RELEASES NEW REPORT . . . The total economic impact of the firearms and ammunition industry in the United States increased from $19.1 billion in 2008 to $42.9 billion in 2014, a 125-percent increase, while the total number of full-time equivalent jobs rose from approximately 166,000 to more than 263,000, a 58-percent increase in that period, according to a new report released today by the National Shooting Sports Foundation. "We have seen continued dramatic growth in the firearms and ammunition industry that is the direct result of consumer demand for our products since 2008," said Stephen L. Sanetti, NSSF President and Chief Executive Officer. Access The Firearms and Ammunition Industry Economic Impact Report: 2014.
To 5:27 poster:
And this is a good thing?
Seems down the road we will pay dearly for all these guns.
Yeah, for the lack of something better to do huh? Just blowing up apropos of nothing I guess. Strange how that seems to be happening so frequently these days. I sometimes wonder what all the fuss is about.
Hillary gets out of gate first with anti-poe comments, followed the day by by negative comments by GOP candidates.
Better buckle up boys and girls, law enforcement will be the top topic of presidential candidates. We are the new whipping post.
Anonymous said...
To 5:27 poster:
And this is a good thing?
Seems down the road we will pay dearly for all these guns.
10:36 AM
Please explaine in detail why you feel this way????
Don't you get itchy under those sheets you're walking around in all day?
Happy May Day, Coldie! Workers of the world unite!
Anonymous said...
To 5:27 poster:
And this is a good thing?
Seems down the road we will pay dearly for all these guns.
10:36 AM
Funny how communities with strict gun control have THE highest violent crime rates and areas with high gun ownership and the LEAST amount of regulation have low crime rates.
Its also curious that those with weapons want to take them away from the general they did in Nazi Germany.
"Strange how that seems to be happening so frequently these days"
Gee whiz...who is in the White House???
Coldtype said...
Don't you get itchy under those sheets you're walking around in all day?
7:45 AM
Nah,I use Egyptian cotton with a high thread count!!
Anonymous said...
To 5:27 poster:
And this is a good thing?
Seems down the road we will pay dearly for all these guns.
10:36 AM
Let me guess.You are one of "those" types that is against civilians exercising their Second Amendment rights via CCW.
Anonymous said...
Happy May Day, Coldie! Workers of the world unite!
8:24 AM
How did you pass the background???
Four people were killed and at least 15 others were wounded in shootings on Chicago's West and South sides since Friday afternoon.
Gun control at work!!
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
To 5:27 poster:
And this is a good thing?
Seems down the road we will pay dearly for all these guns.
10:36 AM
Please explaine in detail why you feel this way????
5:22 AM
Avoiding the question again are we????
When the CC really gets in effect how soon before a "good citizen" shoots an officer?
How soon before some goof leaves a gun around and a child is killed?
Most citizens who want CC live in a neighborhood where they are not in need of weaponry.
Perhaps you are one of those who warn about the "race war" which is coming?
By the way. Anyone know where Rue St Michel went? At least he was civil in his retorts.
------)_'_\ * (
"----------\ * \
Anonymous said...
By the way. Anyone know where Rue St Michel went? At least he was civil in his retorts.
11:06 AM
Probably fled the state like so many are doing. Illinois is TOO corrupt and expensive to live in,especially anywhere close to shitcago.
Probably fled the state like so many are doing. Illinois is TOO corrupt and expensive to live in,especially anywhere close to shitcago.
12:40 PM
No shit,I hear alot of "leaving Illinois" talk when im out and about.
Businesses do not want to come here.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: Baltimore Is Just the Beginning
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar@kaj33
11:24 AM ET
Armed Citizen Saves Officer Under Attack In Oklahoma City
I think I may order it....getting ready for the riots:
I bet these folks get a firearm!!!
Maybe Lefty should decide whether or not they should have a weapon to defend themselves with.
Isolated incidents, though tragic, still should not be a rallying cry for massive arming of citizens. "Leftisthebest"
Anonymous said...
Isolated incidents, though tragic, still should not be a rallying cry for massive arming of citizens. "Leftisthebest"
12:37 PM
Lefty you would shit your pants if you really knew how many guns have been sold each month of you know whos administration.
Americans have purchased more firearms than the US Militray and Police.
Dont beleive me,check with the NSSF and BATFE and look at the sales info.
I believe you 6:52 poster. Don't you think that is pretty sad? Americans believe they have to be heavily armed?
Once again I shall take the position most of these folks live in neighborhoods that are virtually crime free and need not weaponry.
P.S. I wonder your take on NRA challenge to the baning of silencers?
Anonymous said...
Isolated incidents, though tragic, still should not be a rallying cry for massive arming of citizens. "Leftisthebest"
12:37 PM
These are hardly isolated incidents.Home invasions happen all the time in every part of the USA.Sorry,not everyone believes CompStat BS.You are delusional.
P.S. I wonder your take on NRA challenge to the baning of silencers?
6:53 AM
Its a great thing,Illinois will be joing the other 40+ States that allow suppressor ownership.
We got short barreled rifles CCW and now soon SUPPRESSORS!!
Next will be machine guns!!!
"Once again I shall take the position most of these folks live in neighborhoods that are virtually crime free and need not weaponry."
But as long as you got yours thats ok,but everybody else should dial 911 or be a victim.
Who made you God?????
The Second Amendment does say "arms" and not just firearms.That means a lot of things weapon wise.
Help support HB:0433
Gun control at work folks:
For the last 7 Days = 79 Shot - 6 of them fatally
Friday 5/15
2:00p 6011 S Wentworth, Englewood, M/22
2:00p 6011 S Wentworth, Englewood, M/19
2:00p 6011 S Wentworth, Englewood, M/21
3:25p 919 E 82nd, Chatham, M/23
5:00p 7800 S Carpenter, Auburn Gresham, F/81
5:00p 7800 S Carpenter, Auburn Gresham, M/34
7:25p 7400 S Artesian, Chicago Lawn, M/24
7:25p 7400 S Artesian, Chicago Lawn, M/28
9:50p 11900 S Wallace, West Pullman, M/33
10:40p 6700 S Cornell, South Shore, M/25
10:50p 7400 S Wentworth, Grand Crossing, M/25
Saturday 5/16
12:00a 1300 W Hastings, Near W. Side, M/24
12:15a 200 W 38th, Armour Square, F/58
12:15a 100 S Leamington, Austin, F/24
12:15a 100 S Leamington, Austin, M/38
1:00a 3600 W Polk, Garfield Park, M/22
1:00a 3600 W Polk, Garfield Park, M/23
1:20a 100 S California, Garfield Park, M/29 !
2:55a 8800 S Princeton, Roseland, M/21
2:55a 8800 S Princeton, Roseland, M/24
6:00a 1700 N Western, West Town, F/18
10:55a 3900 S Calumet, Grand Boulevard, M/17
10:55a 3900 S Calumet, Grand Boulevard, M/25
12:10p 1400 N Springfield, Humboldt Park, M/15
12:10p 1400 N Springfield, Humboldt Park, M/26
1:50p 7200 S Princeton, Grand Crossing, M/24
2:30p 4300 S Oakenwald, Kenwood, M/21
4:05p 1529 S Kolin, North Lawndale, M/?
9:10p 2500 S Harding, Little Village, M/35
9:10p 4500 N Malden , Uptown, M/29
Sunday 5/17
12:35a 900 W 116th, West Pullman, M/52
1:15a 3700 S Wentworth, Armour Square, M/30
1:20a 2400 W 62nd, Chicago Lawn, F/25
1:35a 8200 S Kimbark, Avalon Park, M/48
2:30a 900 N Harding, Humboldt Park, F/25
2:50a 900 W 52nd, New City, F/25
2:50a 900 W 52nd, New City, F/25 !
Clearly the answer is...more guns.
A quick glance shows ALL of these shootings occurred in high crime neighborhoods. So why do people in low crime neighborhoods need handguns? So much for Judeo-Christian doctrine the CC people ignore.
Anonymous said...
A quick glance shows ALL of these shootings occurred in high crime neighborhoods. So why do people in low crime neighborhoods need handguns? So much for Judeo-Christian doctrine the CC people ignore.
11:27 AM
I bet you carry off duty or when you retire...because you are special.
Court Rebukes D.C. for Discretionary Licensing Regime, Orders Issuance of Concealed Carry Licenses to Eligible Applicants
On May 18, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia issued an order prohibiting enforcement of provisions of D.C. law that effectively grant to the police chief the discretion to decide who may lawfully exercise the right to bear arms in public for self-defense. This follows on the heels of an earlier ruling in which the District lost the argument that the right to “bear arms” does not apply outside the home, leading to the hasty enactment of an "emergency" may-issue concealed carry licensing scheme. Such a license is the only means by which most people can lawfully carry firearms in D.C. for self-defense. Monday’s case, Wren v. District of Columbia, made a preliminary ruling that D.C.’s policy of discretionary issuance would likely run afoul of the Second Amendment.
Coldtype said...
Clearly the answer is...more guns.
4:12 AM
In the hands of law abiding working class citizens....why yes. Criminals do not obey laws if you havent the 56 shot and 12 murders in Chiraq this weekend.
Good people should be armed all the time.
Anonymous said...
A quick glance shows ALL of these shootings occurred in high crime neighborhoods. So why do people in low crime neighborhoods need handguns? So much for Judeo-Christian doctrine the CC people ignore.
11:27 AM
and when the crime comes to them....what then mr. detective??? How Christian of you to decide who may defend themselves and who cannot.
Texas vote to allow open carry...Gov to sign!!!
What do you guys think of my buddies toy???
When crime comes to you:
CLINTON, N.C. -- The Sampson County Sheriff's Office has charged two men with dressing as police officers during a home invasion robbery and using a stun gun on children - including a 4-month-old.
Investigators said it happened Tuesday just after 5 p.m. The Sampson County 911 center got a call about a breaking and entering in progress in the 68-hundred block of Hobbton Highway in Clinton.
Deputies arriving on scene saw two men wearing dark clothing and vests with "SWAT" printed on them. The men ran when they saw the officers arriving.
One suspect, Naquan Lavert Bryant, 20, of Raleigh, was captured a short distance from the residence armed with a stun gun and a pellet gun.
A second suspect, Rashad Eugene Curlee, 26, also of Raleigh, was captured in a wooded area behind the home.
Deputies say Bryant and Curlee - along with an unidentified third suspect - forced their way into the home that had two adults and five children inside
Why does Father fagger keep picking on Chucks Gunshop,a lawful enterprise???
Two men were hit with federal gun charges in connection with the theft of 111 weapons from a cargo train resting overnight in a South Side rail yard earlier this year.
Alexander Peebles and Warren Gates were charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person. The investigation found that eight other men also were involved in the theft of 111 of 318 firearms from a Ruger factory shipment, according to criminal complaints filed in U.S. District Court.
It happened on April 12 at 8000 S. Chicago Avenue. About 7 a.m., railroad employees inspecting the train noticed multiple locks and seals were cut open. The train, which came from Ruger’s New Hampshire factory, continued on to its final destination in Spokane, Washington, where authorities found that 111 of the Ruger factory firearms were missing, according to a federal affidavit. Seventy of those firearms were .22 caliber weapons.
TRUMP 2016!!!
Dr. Ben Carson 2016!!
Billary getting grilled good on Bengazi. Left those Consulate members to burn and with held military assistance.
TTR-i-UMP-h! Donald Trump Hits Magic Number of 1,237 Delegates – Clinches GOP Nomination!!!
So its going to be Trump v. Bernie after Billary is ousted by FBI indictment.
Hey Fucko, this isn't the space for your Storm Front diatribes. Piss off.
Well,the latest terror attack is rapidly making it a shoe in for TRUMP 2016!!
Nothing would be more appropriate quite frankly given that a plutocratic buffoon in the White House is exactly what this armed circus of a country deserves.
if you want to see an armed circus just look at CPD or CCSD.
Its coming guys...about 18 months or less it will be law here:
All thanks to the chocolate jesuses social wonderland.Any comments progressives???
Not sure that I follow you. The BLM event was ending and participants were heading to their vehicles. DPD members were taking selfies with the crowd, there was no drama. An asshole ambushed police with an assault rifle. What's your point?
Hey Coldie, what up? Would appreciate something on this God forsaken election.
I agree Lefty, its been too damn long. I'm way overdue.
are you two going to join your hollyweird progressive friends in Canada????
Shit,if the Cubs could win the World Series...Mr. Trump was a shoe in for the Prez spot......
Sing it!!!!
I guess rahmfather cant flee back to the WH now that the wicked witch was ousted.....
Can hardly wait til Friday!!!
Trump will do more in his first 100 days than bammy did in 8 years.
Still waiting, Coldie. We can have a blast attacking this guy in the White House.
Naw, it would be too easy.
I couldn't agree more Lefty. I'm long overdue.
you two sparkelfarters kill me
Happy that you're entertained.
That Comey testimony really backfired on the left....looks like a loosing strategy to me.
Dummycrats got blocked again in Georgia, they will not figure out why........
Not exactly sure what you're celebrating. If you aren't a member of the .001% then you're on the menu.
Switchblades are now legal in Illinois!!
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