A Jewish man’s shooting of two Israelis in Miami revealed the violent truth
of Zionism
[image: Mordechai Brafman's mugshot taken after being apprehended for
shooting two Israeli men he thought were Palestinian. (Photo: Miami-Dade
County Corre...
35 minutes ago
Lord of War? I think that was it.
That's it.
I have to hand it to Pres(?) Obama.He is the greatest weapon and ammo salesman of all time.The only US industry not hurting and making da moola is the gun and ammo businesses.
Now thats real economic stimulus.
That's fucked up but let's not forget the Wall Street hustlers whom Obama has helped to loot the US Treasury and Big Pharma and the insurance mafia to whom he's about to serve the American public on a silver plater with generous assistance from the industry's bought and paid for whores in Congress.
That's the only "growth" in the US economy of real note: taxpayer loot to Wall Street and defense contractors as well as whatever else can be squeezed from a captive American population that will soon be MANDATED to purchase health insurance from the very industry that makes ours the least efficient yet most expensive healthcare system in the developed world.
Its true,since Nobama illegally took the election,Americans have been buying ammunition(billions) and weapons(millions).BATFE has reported record sales and there was even a shortage on 4473s due to high sales.
I know I'm not going to change your mind but for those of your readers who are a bit more malleable, please note that big business, big pharma, big oil, and big ammo are all essential components of a thriving, democratic, capitalist system.
Without them we'd be no different than those declining socialist european nations that are wallowing in their own miasma.
The only thing we need to make sure fails is Big Government.
Our rights come from God, not from some senate subcommittee, or centralized planning bureaucrat, n'est pas mon ami?
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