"The wealthy, not only by private fraud but also by common laws, do every day pluck and snatch away from the people some part of their daily living. Therefore, when I consider and weigh in my mind these commonwealths which nowadays do flourish, I perceive nothing but a certain conspiracy of rich men in procuring their own commodities under the name and authority of the commonwealth.

They invent and devise all means and crafts, first how to keep safely without fear of losing that which they have unjustly gathered together, and next how to hire and abuse the work and labor of the people for as little money and effort as possible."

Thomas More, Utopia

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"What the Hell Bitch?"

Damn I wish I could write like this dude.


Anonymous said...

Whatta mean, Coldie? You're just as good, better in fact, than him. Although i do agree with his stance that American people sure do not know anything about the common good.

I frequently get into disagreements (okay, heated arguments) on why I care for the poor and disadvantaged. I try to explain it is your duty as a good person to help such. I think most Americans just wear blinders.


Coldtype said...

Good point Lefty but Joe has been writing a hell of a lot longer I have and on a great deal more topics. He used to pal around with Hunter S. Thompson and Tim Leary back in the day.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Coldie, looks like 7:24 a.m. came on over from www.ShavedLongCock.blogspot.com

He continously posts the aryan and another anti-black sites in replies over there. I hope he doesn't wear a star.


Coldtype said...

I don't mind these clowns Lefty. Sometimes distractions can be useful.

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't wear a star.


8:22 AM

Your detectives skills are laughable.Least I didnt kill anyone with my car.

Coldtype said...

Wow, the Lair has its very first troll!

Anonymous said...

hey Coldie, check out this reuters story that says the U.S. and England back a group that killed 16 kidnapped Iraqi police officers.



Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
hey Coldie, check out this reuters story that says the U.S. and England back a group that killed 16 kidnapped Iraqi police officers.


Kill a commie for mommy.

Anonymous said...

Cold type,
You and lefty were right about barak. This guy just appointed arnie " no education degree " Duncan as sec of education. " change we can believe in"

Anonymous said...

The Chicago machine has taken over the White House.Or will it be black house now??Or is it 1/2 black house??

Anonymous said...

Rue-y and Coldie have not posted on their blogs for awhile so it means one of two things:

They are working everyday on the Obama O/T detail on furlough, or

Shavedlongcock.blogspot.com had them knocked off to draw off their readers.


Coldtype said...

Wrong on both accounts Lefty, I'll post again in a day or two--been ridiculously busy lately. I have a great deal to catch up on and write about. Stay tuned.

Rue St. Michel said...

Bon jour, mes amis.

I'm still around just not posting as much because I've been busy with some home projects.

Shaved is a wily one and did try to take me out, but I wasn't in the mood for chinese food that night.

I checked out Joe's interview on Aussie TV and he seems like just another ho-hum quasi-Lib with a profound and chronic case of BDS. . Oh, and the lisp is a bit distracting.

Virginia is slowly Libafying - with the resultant consequences of higher crime, and higher unemployment. I attended a gang meeting with the FBI last week and Virginia was shown to have 13 counties with MS13 gang-members. Only 10 years ago there was only one county with MS13.

I'd say the correlation coefficient between crime and liberalism is almost a perfect 1.0

And is it true Lefty that you had some car troubles????

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm Rue-y,

are you talking about the flat on the squad car or private car?

your pal,

Coldtype said...

Rue I miss over here at my humble abode. Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Look at this silverback:


Coldtype said...

Good shoot. Your point?