Joe Bagent checks in with an amusing update on the state of Obama's America. An excerpt:
Somewhere in the smoking wreckage [of the US economy] lie the solutions. The solutions we aren't allowed to discuss: adoption of a Wall Street securities speculation tax; repeal of the Taft-Hartley anti-union laws; ending corporate personhood; cutting the bloated vampire bleeding the economy, the military budget; full single payer health care insurance, not some "public option" that is neither fish nor fowl; taxation instead of credits for carbon pollution; reversal of inflammatory U.S. policy in the Middle East (as in, get the hell out, begin kicking the oil addiction and quit backing the spoiled murderous brat that is Israel.
-Joe Bagent
The rest...
Iran unveils new underground ‘missile city’ (VIDEO)
[image: Preview] Iran has unveiled a massive underground base housing
anti-ship cruise missile systems equipped with anti-jamming capabilities
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1 hour ago
Just dropped by to say Hi. Happy Tuesday
It was today that the Red scare kicked into high gear.
Ahhh the good old day ... hunting down filthy, traitorous commies.
If its red,fill it with lead.
HAHA yes, the "good old days". Since those halcyon days the labor movement and the living wage jobs that came with it has been decimated, leaving in its place... the ripest environment for feudalism in America since the founding of the republic.
And they marched merrily on to serfdom with a song in their hearts...
Feudalism in the sense that King Barack and Queen Michelle are now our feudal lords -- dictating all the actions of the serfs who now serve the (E)state?
I agree that labor unions were an important factor in and around the industrial revolution, but it's now a factor of too much government regulation in business and corporate ethos.
I don't think there was ever a "halcyon" era of business versus labor but I do think that less government would be a big help right now, as the engine of our economy is Business and Business is taking it on the chin thanks to having Uncle Sam's substantial finger up his butt.
Government (the State) needs to get out of the way and let the market figure out what's best for allocation of resources and capital. That's what made these United States the undisputed champion of individual freedoms and opportunity since 1812.
Leftisbest and Coldtype are one in the same person.
Anonymous said...
Leftisbest and Coldtype are one in the same person.
1:51 PM
Oh boy. I see that guy is back after a long absence. Must have been busy organizing a Tea Party event.
Get it right. ColdType is much brighter than I, not that takes much, also the writing styles are different.
I am glad though you visit Coldie's site. Perhaps, just perhaps, you'll learn something.
Hey Coldie!
Check out the story from the web page from the Communist Party newspaper, People's Weekly World, on today's downtown march agaisnt bankers.
They neglect to mention the Commander-in-Chief as being part of the problem. I have found that members of the party do not want to comdemn the president on anything.
here's link:
Thanks for the link Lefty. Yeah, to speak out of tune with the Dear Leader is still verboten among the Democratic Party faithful--all evidence of Obomba's enthusiasm for continuation of the previous administration's policies not withstanding.
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