Dennis Perrin sums up this loss pretty well I thought. Carlin was simply one our best social commentators period. And, like Perrin, I too would put him in a class with Richard Pryor or, as the late comedian Bill Hicks used to say of himself, Noam Chomsky but with jokes. I'll miss this kind of stuff:
Update: George Carlin's final interview.
A Jewish man’s shooting of two Israelis in Miami revealed the violent truth
of Zionism
[image: Mordechai Brafman's mugshot taken after being apprehended for
shooting two Israeli men he thought were Palestinian. (Photo: Miami-Dade
County Corre...
44 minutes ago
Hey Coldie!
Been watching EuroCup 2008 by chance?
No I haven't seen it. I'll have to check it out.
By the way, who is broadcasting it?
The games, I mean matches, have been on ESPN. The championship is Sunday, but I am not sure if ESPN or ABC will broadcast.
I love football. You Yanks call it soccer, I believe. LOLOL
Thanks C.T. for the viddy-clip-
Gonna miss Georgie! We salute you Mr. Carlin... He indeed left us "a little something" for Coldy to show us! It was difficult to see him visibly fading away in his last couple of HBO specials... I love the way he turned around that tired old "you don't have the right to complain" if you don't vote the way all the righties trot that blather out...
We need LOTS more of his stripe in the public eye "holding up the mirror" to us, the "great unwashed beast". We do have the power to change what is wrong, if only we could put down the toys and get going!
Gotta support Al Franken in his run for office in Minnesota. He's saying get OuTta Iwreckq/invest HERE at home in this ad- You should see all the haters whining about Franken on! (Saw it via a trib story... these righties really show their lack of humor when a comedian schools them!)
You GO Al Franken, and G_dspeed Mr. Carlin!
- ydahS ;=}
I know exactly what Franken will be up against because as far as the reactionary clowns now running the show are concerned, everything is just peachy.
Hey Coldie:
check out this article saying Obama supporters are asking him to reverse his stance on Bush's telecommunications law. I will check out and try to find out any big "media corporate" money he received.
That's to be expected Lefty, I knew this moment wold be inevitable. This is the part where the Barockstar "tempers the expectations" of the faithful. Imagine the shock, shock of the Obamaniacs should their Messiah gain the election and turn out to be just another shill for corporate and other elite interests. IOZ, Dennis Perrin, and A Tiny Revolution among others on my blog roll have been all over this.
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