"The wealthy, not only by private fraud but also by common laws, do every day pluck and snatch away from the people some part of their daily living. Therefore, when I consider and weigh in my mind these commonwealths which nowadays do flourish, I perceive nothing but a certain conspiracy of rich men in procuring their own commodities under the name and authority of the commonwealth.

They invent and devise all means and crafts, first how to keep safely without fear of losing that which they have unjustly gathered together, and next how to hire and abuse the work and labor of the people for as little money and effort as possible."

Thomas More, Utopia

Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto: Her Life and Death in Context

Tariq Ali's analysis of Benazir Bhutto, her clan, and Pakistan's the cut-throat political arena is indispensable for anyone hoping to make any sense out of what occurred yesterday and what the future may hold for the Pakistani people. Ali's essay was published in the London Review of Books back in November and it unburdens you of the need to wade through much of the nonsense you're likely to encounter on this subject elsewhere in the western mainstream media. So as not to delay you any further I'll let Tariq Ali take over from here with, Daughter of the West.


Rue St. Michel said...

Bush killed Bhutto because she wasn't towing the line that the Illuminati demanded. :-)

Hey, just dropped by to wish you a Happy New Year. I hope that 2008 brings you health, wealth and happiness.

I noticed your musical interests virtually mirror my own. You didn't copy my profile did you?

Vince Guaraldi, Stan Getz, Paul Desmond, and Steely Dan. Those are my core jazz dudes. I'm also a big fan of Oscar Peterson and Miles Davis.

Coldtype said...

"Vince Guaraldi, Stan Getz, Paul Desmond, and Steely Dan. Those are my core jazz dudes. I'm also a big fan of Oscar Peterson and Miles Davis"

Rue, I think there's hope for you yet! Happy New Year to you and yours.

PS: I hope you really reflected on the implications of Tariq Ali's essay. The US has no real leverage in Pakistan. Bhutto was on a fools errand which could only have ended the way it did for her. Bad times ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hey 10:19:
You forgot to also mention the ole lynching tree. I can see your open-mindedness like the rest of the neo-cons to which you so proudly affiliate yourself. I would gladly share a cell with Coldtype.

Anonymous said...

Sung to the music from the Underdog show:

"Oh where oh where has my Coldtype gone, oh where oh where can he be?"

Not out trumping in New Hamsphire for Mitt I hope.

We have to get the word out on Dennis Kucinich.