A Jewish man’s shooting of two Israelis in Miami revealed the violent truth
of Zionism
[image: Mordechai Brafman's mugshot taken after being apprehended for
shooting two Israeli men he thought were Palestinian. (Photo: Miami-Dade
County Corre...
22 minutes ago
looked under the ogg thread for response as posted on my blog. couldnt find it is it under another header? i was/am actually enjoying the non confrontational discussion.ifyou haven't had time just let me know when you post i don't get to the blogs every day
Its been crazy lately Fillmore. I'll get that response to you soon though. Look for it in the original thread. Stay safe.
It seems that eventually Iran like North Korea will have thermonuclear weapons. As I've stated previously,nuclear proliferation among third world countries seems to be all but certain. Given the current state of U.S./Middle East relations,I seriously doubt that there is a diplomatic solution. But with the debacle of the Iraqi invasion/occupation we really don't have much of a military option either. It dosen't take a military expert to figure out that in terms of logistics and manpower we are currently unable to attack Iran. A airstrike by bombers or missles will not be sufficent. The Iranians probably have their research and development facilities deep under ground in hardened facilities. The only way to keep the entire world from becoming a giant mushroom cloud is for ALL nations to come to the diplomatic table and bargain in good faith. But unfortunately the hatred,fears,and suspicion of each other are now too great for that to be accomplished. I feel we're looking at the beginning of the end coldtype.
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