I've had so much fun amusing myself reading the lamentations of GOP supporters throughout the blogsphere that I've neglected my own site. What an interesting turn of events! None of what occurred to the GOP on Tuesday came as much of a surprise to those who've been paying close attention to the poll figures over the past nine months or so, but for the True Believers who had insisted that those poll numbers were liberal distortions and not truly reflective of public sentiment, well... no amount of tissue can stem the flow of their tears.
As I stated in my "Election Time" post, a Democratic majority in one or both houses of Congress is not cause enough to celebrate. What follows are observations along this theme from some of the leading progressive voices in the US--one of whom may be new to you.
As always, the Lair welcomes analysis from Tom Englehardt whose blog is linked on this site. Read his latest missive on the" fall of the New Rome" as Bush The Decider's Outlaw Empire Meets the Wave.
Fairness & Accuracy In Reporting covers the post-election debate among the news readers and pundits of the corporate media who desperately tried to put the results in "proper perspective" for us rubes.
Finally, I'd like to introduce you to Professor Brian Leiter (PhD, JD Univ. of Michigan, AB Princeton), whose blog the Leiter Reports, is now on my link list. Leiter holds the Baker Chair in Law at the University of Texas and is also a professor of Philosophy there. He has been a visiting professor of law at Yale and is currently serving in that capacity at the University of Chicago Law School. I think you will find his Post-Mortem Election Thoughts as informative as I did. I strongly encourage you to explore his blog further. Enjoy.
A Jewish man’s shooting of two Israelis in Miami revealed the violent truth
of Zionism
[image: Mordechai Brafman's mugshot taken after being apprehended for
shooting two Israeli men he thought were Palestinian. (Photo: Miami-Dade
County Corre...
57 minutes ago
The poster makes good points, but his totals for civilian deaths in Vietnam could arguably be quadrupled--if not more. He is no doubt corect in his accessment that Iraq, like Vietnam before it, was an example of "American imperialism gone bad".
We as citizens of this country are not encouraged to think of American foreign policy in terms of imperialism. Fortunately, for the sake of the world, that's beginning to change.
Coldie & Lefti-
Enjoying your Golden Age re-emergence into the blogosphere after a too-long hibernation (and well, fudge- it's almost Winter out there; THIS is BLOGGIN' Seasin'! ;-)
- idahS ;-)™®
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